Illustrative Mathematics® v.360, an IM K-12 Math Curriculum
Free Problem-Based Math Curriculum Grades K–12
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Experience the Power of Problem-Based Math
- Discover a consistent, problem-based lesson structure across all grades.
- Foster a collaborative learning environment with our instructional routines.
- Use specialized support for diverse learning needs.
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About the IM® K–12 Math v.360 Curriculum
IM K–12 Math is a problem-based core curriculum designed to address content and practice standards to foster learning for all. Students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise language.
EdReports, a highly-regarded independent nonprofit that reviews K–12 instructional materials for standards alignment and quality, gave IM K–5 Math, IM 6–8 Math, and IM 9–12 Math its highest rating across all three gateways for focus, coherence, rigor, mathematical practices, and usability.
About the IM® K–12 Math v.360 Curriculum
Join our IM Certified Professional Learning to master the IM K–12 Math v.360 curriculum and enhance your teaching methods to create a more engaging classroom for your students. Our professional learning offers educators the insights and tools necessary for fostering a dynamic and inclusive math learning environment.